Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Calling all voters, activists, and interested parties! The Harris County Democratic Party is excited to announce Keir Murray, a noted political consultant, will be the featured speaker at our monthly Brown Bag Luncheon Tuesday, November 10th, from 12:00 pm (noon) to 1:00 pm, at Party headquarters, to discuss the results of the November 3rd elections.

What went right and what went wrong in the 2009 election? What can we learn from the campaigns waged by the candidates? What will a run-off election mean? Who turned out to vote? Who stayed home? What will all of these things mean for Harris County and Democrats going forward? Get insight into some of these questions as Mr. Murray shares his expert analysis on the results of the November 2009 election. Bring your sack lunch and HCDP will provide soft drinks.

We hope you will join us Tuesday, November 10th at HCDP headquarters, located at 1445 North Loop West, Houston TX 77008 Suite 110, (exit Ella).
See vote cumulative summary from:

Monday, October 26, 2009

Welcome to Our New Website

Bay Area New Democrats are excited about the launch of our new, more contemporary website. Check out all the tabs above and learn more about what we have to offer. Look for regular updates to the news posted above and contributions from board members to our BAND blog!

Field Work Opportunities!

If you have finally recovered from the busy 2008 election season, it is time to get involved again! All Houston city election campaigns are actively looking for field workers. BAND has not traditionally endorsed candidates in non-partisan races unless there is only a single Democratic candidate in the race. Ronald Green is the only Democratic candidate in the controller’s race, for example, and BAND does support him. In the current mayor’s race, we have three Democratic candidates, and some of our members are supporting each of them individually.

If you are interested in doing field work, please contact the people or links listed below:

Peter Brown – contact Doug Peterson at, or call him at 281-286-7631

Annise Parkercontact John Cobarruvias at, or call him at 281-536-2457

Gene Lockehead to

Sunday, October 11, 2009

New BAND website coming soon!

Watch for brand new BAND website in October, 2009!!

Sheriff Garcia to Speak at BAND Meeting Next Week

Harris County Sheriff Adrian Garcia, the top Democratic vote getter in county races last fall, will be the featured speaker at the BAND monthly meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 14 at the Harris County Courthouse Bay Area Annex. Sheriff Garcia will speak for about 40 minutes and have time afterward for a question-and-answer session. A representative from Organizing for America will also be at the meeting to talk about grassroots activities.